Thursday, April 12, 2007


The problem with Winston Garcia is that he apparently fancies himself to be such a lover of fine arts that he took the liberty of spending pensioners' money on a painting whose questionable value does nothing to add to the pension fund.

His skewed priority does not end there. He issues ghost-written press releases (nonsense drivel, really, because they do not reflect reality -- remember his wild and delusional claim about putting the Philippines on top of the IT totem pole with his failed eCard?) about his supposed great performance at the GSIS and is now starting to believe them.

It was Winston Churchill who said: “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” Thankfully, we are now in the digital age, and whatever BIG lies Garcia foists upon an unsuspecting public won't stand.

He claims he has performed well on the job, but the long list of complaints against his failure of leadership says otherwise. Scroll down to the end of this blog, and you will see for yourself how he is screwing the pensioners BIG time while claiming he is good for the agency.

Good for what? For fattening himself at the expense of the pensioners with his excretable eCard?

It is time for this petty tyrant to RESIGN. Macapagal Arroyo should kick his fat ass off that manager's swivel chair.

The pensioners do not deserve this inept and incompetent political lackey.